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Gordon Flanders


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24歲的香港獨立音樂人Gordon Flanders,曾於日本著名音樂大學 (Senzoku Gakuen College of Music) 主修作曲,在濃厚的音樂氛圍薰陶之下,從2019年開始創作,以R&B唱腔 與吉他融會展露其獨當一面的風格。


Gordon Flanders 的音樂歷練甚廣,回港以後曾擔任不少香港著名歌手的製作人、作曲人。其作品迴響熱烈,以強烈的個人風格以及流暢的旋律廣為人知。出道至今的歌曲 < 1234 >、<冬天一個遊>、< INSECURE > 等已在各平台累積超過2000萬的播放量,鞏固他為華語R&B 新星的地位。


「把以往在日本所吸收的養分展露無遺」更是Gordon 在2023 所定下的目標,先後推出日文歌曲 <ANEMONE> 以及與 台灣歌手 The Crane 合作的 < FIRST CLASS> 更展現出Gordon 的多樣性以及對音樂品質的追求。不再局限於R&B 曲風,而是把音樂領域開闊至 Jazz 和 Bossa Nova,盡顯全方位音樂功底。

Gordon Flanders 所追逐的是更卓越的音樂品質、自癒他癒,享受其中。

Graduated in Japan, the 24-year-old Hong Kong indie artist Gordon Flanders has started his compositions since 2019. Gordon first fell into his musical world with preload songs in his first touch-screen Nokia 5800 and started uploading songs to online platforms like Youtube, StreetVoice, etc. Later in 2019, which has accumulated over 3 million streams within a short period. He has released several tracks including 〈Stone Cold〉, 〈Never Meant to Hurt You〉, and 〈404 Not Found〉, a collaboration with the uprising Hong Kong rapper TIAB. The latest EP released in December 2020 preserved his romantic R&B vibes, which also
included his collaborations with Taiwan artists, like 〈Rosy〉 with Burgerlin and 〈1234〉with SMY and Burgerlin.


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