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iii iris liu


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iii,原名 Iris Liu。她的音樂揉合當代爵士於古典流行音樂,她從高中鍾情音樂,開始作曲,畢業於香港演藝學院,主修作曲。曾為不同廣告和電影配樂,包括《手捲煙》和《毒舌大狀》。2020年推出首隻個人單曲,第二單曲《若有若無》和第三單曲《畫皮》均於本地樂評和流行榜獲得不俗的成績,並於2021年推出首張大碟《EYE EYE EYE》,於同年十一月舉行大碟發行演唱會。而於2022年6月與歌手陳健安推出的合唱歌曲《雷公》,亦大獲好評。


iii, aka Iris Liu. She infuses classical with pop music, along with a touch of contemporary jazz. Ever since created her first song in high school, she has been actively pursuing her stage career. She graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with a major in music composition and has been scoring for commercials and films, including Hand Rolled Cigarette and A Guilty Conscience. In 2020, iii released her music debuts of Vaguely and Disguise, which gained positive feedback widely from local music critics as well as music charts. Her first album - EYE EYE EYE was released in 2021, with an album release concert held in Nov 2021. Her latest song Thunderless was released in June 2022, cooperated with singer Chan Kin-on, and has gained her critical acclaim.


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